
What You Need To Do After Appendectomy

When diagnosed with appendicitis, most people will undergo appendectomy. After appendicitis, patients are usually advised to reduce their activities in order to speed up the recovery process. What else can be done to speed recovery? Appendicitis (appendicitis) is an inflammatory condition caused by infection that forms pus in the appendix (appendix). Pus buildup can spread to other organs and cause dangerous complications, such as peritonitis, if not treated immediately. Appendectomy is the standard treatment for this, and in certain cases, it is important to do it before the appendix ruptures and cause other more serious problems. There are two operating methods that can be applied, namely: Laparoscopic surgery Laparoscopic surgery is performed by making 1-3 small incisions in the lower right abdomen. After the incision is made, an instrument called a laparoscope is inserted into the incision to monitor the condition of the intestine and stomach cavity, and remove appendicit
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